Redfern Flinn Lifting Equipment have considerable experience in supplying and servicing vehicle hoists and jacks; as well as train and tram jacking systems. We have a number of automotive and transport clients across Victoria and NSW who we assist to maintain and service their jacking systems. With vehicle jacks, Redfern Flinn is able to supply and service systems for passenger and commercial vehicles, buses and trucks.
For train & tram jacking systems, Redfern Flinn in association with various manufacturers, can design, manufacture, install and service systems that can lift in excess of 100 tonnes, and are tailored to fit the range of carriages being lifted.
Redfern Flinn Lifting Equipment can undertake routine inspections and maintenance, as well as conduct annual inspections and major inspections for assessing the suitability of continued operation of your vehicle hoists and jacks. Our Service Division also provides 24 hour, 7 day a week breakdown assistance for our regular service clients.
For more information please contact Redfern Flinn using the contact form attached or call Sydney (02) 9756-6660, Melbourne (03) 9465 4441, Perth (08) 9472-0544, Brisbane (07) 3820-8631 or Newcastle (02) 4964-4566.